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Castle View School

Pupil Premium & Covid Catch-up Premium

The vision at Castle View School is that Pupils, Parents and Staff work in partnership to achieve academic excellence, through a culture of high aspirations, whilst developing every child into well rounded, caring and confident individuals who contribute positively to their community and are well equipped to contribute to our wider society. We do not believe that disadvantage should be a barrier for any pupil in achieving this vision.

In order to achieve this, we use Pupil Premium monies to raise achievement.


Pupil Premium is funding the school receives for each student who is currently or has previously been in receipt of Free School Meals, or who has been a ‘looked-after child’ (LAC).  Our disadvantaged students currently make up 35% of the student population.


At Castle View School, we aim to raise the aspirations of all of our disadvantaged pupils and build lives for the future.  We achieve this through addressing inequalities and raising the attainment of all students, including the disadvantaged.  Progress of all disadvantaged pupils is reviewed by the leadership team, directors of learning and other middle leaders in our drive to achieve equality for all.

We believe that the highest possible standards can only be achieved by having the highest expectations of all learners. Some pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds require additional support; therefore, we will use all the resources available to help them reach their full potential, including the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG). The school’s PPG strategy is based on the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) tiered approach. This focuses on our strategy shown below in 3 areas: -

  1. Teaching and learning
  2. Academic targeted support
  3. Wider strategies


The 6 challenges that the school’s 2023/24 PPG strategy aim to address are: -

  1. Progress/Outcomes
  2. Attendance
  3. Literacy/Reading
  4. Unidentified needs
  5. Aspirations and Cultural capital
  6. Parental Engagement


Please click the link further below to download The Castle View school Pupil Premium Strategy Statement.

Recovery Premium

The recovery premium has been provided to assist schools in providing additional support and intervention for students in years 7-11 to help combat the negative impacts of the unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus. The aggregate impact of lost time in education will be substantial, and the recovery premium is provided in response to the scale of the significant challenge.

COVID-19 catch-up premium

The 2020/21 COVID-19 catch-up premium was put in place to assist schools in providing additional support and intervention for students in years 7-11 to help combat the negative impacts of the unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus. The aggregate impact of lost time in education has been substantial, and the Covid-19 catch-up premium was provided in response to the scale of this significant challenge.


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024