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Castle View School

Business Studies

Business Studies Subject Intent Statement:

Business Studies enables students the opportunity to enter into a world where the possibilities of becoming an entrepreneur are endless. It inspires them to be develop the skills and thinking of successful entrepreneurs; who live and breathe Business.  The development of  a wide variety of skills and knowledge, as well as build upon their passion and enthusiasm for the broad study of Business and its impact on society.

Business activity affects the daily lives of all people, as they work, spend, save, invest, travel, and play. Business influences jobs, incomes, and opportunities for personal enterprise and development and it has a significant effect not only on the standard of living and quality of life, but also on the environment in which people live. At some point in their lives, current students will encounter the world of business. Business Studies prepares student to engage in business activity with confidence and competence with an understanding of how businesses function and the role they plays in society.

Business has the chance to equip budding entrepreneurs with the appropriate knowledge to develop their personal employability. By tackling real life situations and case studies learners will develop transferable skills key to further education and their future career path.  The study of Business encourages students to be able to express themselves using Business jargon which will impress in all areas. Studying Business involves not only studying individuals, communities and organisations; it teaches how to assess need, problem identification and becoming solution focused.  Business connects with many subjects, including mathematics, science and technology, languages and social studies. Students will recognise the relevance of these subjects and how they are applied in the world of business; the creation of products and services that help to improve the quality of life, is no better example of this.

The study of Business will help shape students regardless of their background and inspire them to enter in to the wider world of employment, seeing no challenge as too much.  It has the power to shape minds to achieve their full potential so they too can influence the world around them. Business moulds students to have high aspirations and independence. Business guides students to become responsible young adults who will make a positive contribution to society, impacting their lives and the lives of others.

Curriculum Intent Statement Business Studies

Continuous Curriculum Plans Explained


Continuous Curriculum Plan - Business Studies:

Our Continuous Curriculum Plans (CCPs) navigate the academic journey of your child by subject from KS2 all the way up into KS5. They allow both staff, students and parents to be clear on what is being taught and where assessments lay in the school year, which in turn, gives students autonomy over their learning as it empowers them to prepare ahead of time. 

Please use the tool below to zoom in so that you can see the details of the curriculum in this subject.

business ccp 2024 2025.pdf

Continuous Curriculum Plan - Business Studies