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Castle View School





At Castle View School we believe learning at home is an integral part of education and that parental support and engagement is paramount. We are committed to ensuring that homework activities are enriching; students should be inspired to be creative, reflective and to take responsibility for their development.

The purpose of homework at Castle View School is to:

  • challenge learners
  • pre teach topics in preparation for lessons
  • prepare students for exams
  • develop student’s literacy skills
  • check students understanding of classwork

This will help students develop their:

  • knowledge and understanding of topics which they study in lessons
  • exam skills
  • independence and ownership of their work and learning

Year Guide to Independent / Home Study per Week

All students are recommended to read for 20 minutes per evening either independently or as guided by the teacher.  As a result, each subject’s schemes of work include at least two academic reading text that should be set as homework each half term via Microsoft Teams.

Students are able to complete a quiz related to this text using Accelerated Reader.  The teacher receives instant feedback and students are expected to attain at least 60% accuracy to pass.  Teachers can set additional homework as required to support learning and progress.

The amount of homework should be related to the specific activities to be completed rather than an arbitrary time.

Parents are encouraged to discuss homework with their children and help them plan its completion on time. This is especially important with extended homework that may cover a series of homework periods.

Access to a computer or the Internet is often essential for some homework activities. To support students with this, school facilities are available at breaks, lunchtimes and after school.

Homework Club takes place in the library daily and is staffed between 3:00pm and 4:00pm Monday to Thursday and 3:00pm and 3:30pm on a Friday.

Monitoring and Recording Homework

In Year 7 to 11 each student is supplied with a planner in which to record homework and homework deadlines. Parents/carers are expected to sign student planners on a weekly basis. Parents/carers are also able to use student planners to communicate with form tutors should they have any concerns regarding homework.





The logos below link to a variety of online services that are used in different teaching subjects.