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Castle View School


ICT Subject Intent Statement:

The increasing use of technology in all aspects of society makes confident, creative and productive use of ICT an essential skill for life. The mastery of technical skills linked to ICT and an understanding of how to apply these skills purposefully, safely and responsibly.  ICT links to many academic displines in learning and in everyday life and employment. Effective ICT skills are fundamental to a full participation and engagement in modern society.

ICT is used to find, develop, analyse and present information, as well as to model situations. Students will develop computational thinking skills and these can be used to devise programs to solve real life problems. The study of ICT develops problem solving skills through learning about algorithms, pseudocode and using programming languages popular with leading tech companies.

ICT enables students to engage with and have rapid access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures.  It allows students to collaborate and exchange information on a wide scale. Students discover that ICT acts as a powerful force for change in society and citizens should have an understanding of the social, ethical, legal and economic implications of its use, including how to use ICT safely and responsibly. Effective ICT skills enables students to develop wider skills of interest to future employers such as an ability to use one’s initiative and research skills.  As a consequence, students are able to make informed judgements about when and where to use ICT to enhance their learning and the quality of their work.

Curriculum Intent Statement ICT

Continuous Curriculum Plans Explained


Continuous Curriculum Plan - ICT:

Our Continuous Curriculum Plans (CCPs) navigate the academic journey of your child by subject from KS2 all the way up into KS5. They allow both staff, students and parents to be clear on what is being taught and where assessments lay in the school year, which in turn, gives students autonomy over their learning as it empowers them to prepare ahead of time. 

Please use the tool below to zoom in so that you can see the details of the curriculum in this subject.

ict ccp 2024 2025.pdf

Continuous Curriculum Plan - ICT