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Castle View School

Personal Development - PSHE RSE

Personal Development - PSHE RSE


Personal Development intent;

Castle Views personal development curriculum is designed to equip students with the information to support them through the challenges of their formative years, as well as encouraging them to be open-minded global citizens and fully prepared for life in modern Britain. The information provided and nature of the delivery will allow students to make informed decisions about their well-being, relationships and health. Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities but also many challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.

At Castle View School we teach Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) through a planned, developmental programme of learning. The subject helps pupils develop knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe whilst preparing for life and work in modern Britain. Pupils will not only experience quality first teaching on these subjects but also opportunities to take part in workshops with outside agencies, community projects and theatre productions. They will explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future.

All pupils will have lessons (KS3 two hours a fortnight and KS4 one hour a fortnight) focusing on these areas in addition to daily 20 minute tutor sessions. These sessions are with experienced members of staff ensuring that the diverse range of topics are covered in supportive and positive learning environments. Please see the below timetables (split for week A and week B) which indicates the tutor time structure.

PSHE/ RSE themes will follow the core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, Living in the Wider World. The below table indicates where these main themes will be covered under different topic headings throughout 2023-2024.

Within these themes the following topics will be covered in both key stages at appropriate levels, parts of which are also covered in other areas of the curriculum ensuring deeper understanding;

  • - Emotional health and well being
  • - Government and politics
  • - British Values
  • - Staying safe
  • - County lines
  • - Drugs and alcohol
  • - Careers education
  • - Personal finance
  • - Relationship and Sex education (RSE)

 As part of the schools Personal, Social and Health Education programme each child will be receiving lessons on relationships, sexual health and puberty. The purpose of Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is to provide knowledge and understanding of how relationships can change and developing skills to stay safe. It should develop understanding and attitudes, helping pupils to form relationships in a responsible and healthy manner and to appreciate the value of stable family life, including the responsibilities of parenthood. 

We want to instil confidence, knowledge and understanding to ensure our pupils develop into mature and healthy adults who are able to make positive choices. The RSE programme includes a variety of lessons, exploring different topics. All teaching materials are appropriate to the age and emotional maturity of the pupils concerned and the teachers will aim to present the programme in an objective, balanced and sensitive manner. Whilst we cover a lot of this within our Personal Development lessons a lot of this is also covered across our wider curriculum including Science and PE.


The Personal Development programme will cover:

  • 1 Year 7: Recognising healthy relationships, family relationships, puberty and adolescence.
  • 2 Year 8: Types of relationships, communication and sexual health.
  • 3 Year 9: Contraception, Sexual Health, Staying Safe, Types of relationships.
  • 4 Year 10: Types of relationships, Pornography, Contraception
  • 5 Year 11: Sexual Health, Pregnancy, Families


There is no statutory requirement for end of key stage assessment in these sessions. Due to the nature of the subject, much of class work is discussion based or centred around group work activities. Half termly assessments are completed on teams and pupils have the opportunity to feedback about the subject.   

Communication with Parents

We will update you throughout the school year in regards to PSHE RSE updates, this will be through The Parent Guide, social media and Edulink. We will also provide opportunities for feedback via Parental Surveys. Students will be given a behaviour for learning grade on the reports for this subject.


‘Excellent in Pupil Development award’

As a school we are working towards achieving the award for Excellent in Personal Development. This award offers a structure framework to evaluate and enrich our pastoral curriculum. It supports in development pupils personal attributes and attitudes, such as self-confidence, resilience and self-discipline. With a focus on involving local and national organisations, it helps schools prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.


The framework for this award is as follows;

  • Curriculum – Plan so that knowledge and skills for personal development are embedded into the whole-school curriculum
  • Behaviour – Set high expectations for pupil behaviour and conduct, including punctuality and attendance
  • Responsible citizens – Promote positive attitudes from pupils towards their own learning, towards each other, and towards the wider community.
  • Local partnerships – Engage with local groups and parents to deliver enrichment activities that develop pupils’ confidence, responsibility and leadership skills.
  • External organisations – Actively enlist the support of national and international agencies to help raise pupils’ aspirations for their future.
  • Professional development – Commit to high-quality, ongoing staff CPD so that all staff can build and support pupils’ personal development.


Useful Website Links;


Below are a number of useful website links to support conversations about these subjects at home;

Drug, Alcohol, Smoking - https://www.talktofrank.com/ 

Puberty, RSE -   https://learn.brook.org.uk/ 

Mental Health -   https://www.childline.org.uk/ 

Rights and Responsibility -   https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize 

First Aid  - https://www.sja.org.uk/ 

Healthy Lifestyle - https://www.gov.uk/government

RSE - https://www.brook.org.uk

Common Questions - https://www.gov.uk/government/news/relationships-education-relationships-and-sex-education-rse-and-health-education-faqs


School policies for reference;


Curriculum Intent Statement Personal Development

Continuous Curriculum Plans Explained


Continuous Curriculum Plan - Personal Development:

Our Continuous Curriculum Plans (CCPs) navigate the academic journey of your child by subject from KS2 all the way up into KS5. They allow both staff, students and parents to be clear on what is being taught and where assessments lay in the school year, which in turn, gives students autonomy over their learning as it empowers them to prepare ahead of time. 

Please use the tool below to zoom in so that you can see the details of the curriculum in this subject.

personal development ccp 2024 2025.pdf

Continuous Curriculum Plan - Personal Development


RSE Exemplar Materials

Attitudes to mental health

How are we protected from discrimination

How do I thrive in secondary school

Identity fraud and data protection