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Castle View School


Science Subject Intent Statement:

The study of science fires students’ curiosity about phenomena in the world around them and offers opportunities to find explanations. It engages learners at many levels linking direct practical experience with scientific ideas. Experimentation and modelling are used to develop and evaluate explanations encouraging critical and creative thought. Students learn how knowledge and understanding in science are rooted in evidence. They experience the need for robust and accurate recall of facts and principles which crucially underpin the conclusions they draw.

At a deeper level, students reflect on the nature of scientific knowledge through exposure to concepts such as relativity, uncertainty and confirmation bias. Their journey will highlight to them the importance of the scientific method which considers aspects such as systematic observation, experimentation, inductive and deductive reasoning and the testing of hypotheses and theories.

They discover how scientific ideas contribute to technological change – affecting industry, business and medicine and improving quality of life. They trace the development of science worldwide and recognise its cultural significance. They learn to question and discuss issues that may affect their own lives, the directions of societies and the future of the world.

Curriculum Intent Statement Science

Continuous Curriculum Plans Explained


Continuous Curriculum Plan - Science:

Our Continuous Curriculum Plans (CCPs) navigate the academic journey of your child by subject from KS2 all the way up into KS5. They allow both staff, students and parents to be clear on what is being taught and where assessments lay in the school year, which in turn, gives students autonomy over their learning as it empowers them to prepare ahead of time. 

Please use the tool below to zoom in so that you can see the details of the curriculum in this subject.

science ccp 2024 25.pdf

Continuous Curriculum Plan - Science