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Castle View School

Headteachers Blog April

Headteacher's Blog April


As we come to end another half term, there is so much to celebrate about our school. 

We continue to see steady improvements in our students’ attitudes to learning, behaviour and progress and this is all testament to the hard work of the students, support from families and our staff. 

We continue to attract new colleagues to our school, further securing our aim of quality first teaching.   We have new colleagues in Maths, English, Humanities, Food and Science.  Students continue to tell me how pleased they are to have consistent, good teachers.  We had two fantastic, sell-out performances of music, theatre and dance with  #80s which many of you would have seen on the front page of The Echo recently. Well done to Mr Mechem and all of the team for an amazing event.  Our Student Leadership Team are making the difference to the school, inside and out in the community – further boosting our reputation.Our focus for this term has been lateness.  First bell sounds at 8:25 and students need to be through the student entrance by 08:30.  After which they will be marked late and have a 20minute detention.  Lateness is improving but for some it has not and parents / carers will be contacted about this basic of expectation: to be in school and on time.

Term dates for 2017-2018 are also now on the website so you can ensure that your child does not miss any valuable learning time. Next, we are looking at equipment.  Students should not be coming to school without basic equipment (as listed in their planners).  Many arrive without a pen and this delays the start of lessons as teachers put this right for students.  Please check to see your child has everything they need in order to be ‘ready to learn.’Parents and carers of Year 11, we are about to enter the most important time for all of our Year 11 students as they prepare for their GCSEs.  Please encourage them to attend Period 6 Intervention and catch-up sessions (during the day, after school and on Saturdays).  A little bit of revision every day makes a massive difference and everyone at Castle View is passionate about helping them achieving their best.  To that end, they need to be in school every day, on time, working with staff and fellow students to get the results they need.Thanks for your continued support.  We all want the same outcome for the students of Castle View – this is increasingly being achieved in partnership.