Headteacher's Blog October
If I compare my thoughts this half term with those of the beginning of last year the thought that stands out to me: what a different school. Last year I saw a school to be proud of, this year I feel it.
So many positives to reflect on – our new Year 7s have made a wonderful start to their time at Castle View School. From day one they have been looking smart, engaged and ready to learn and embrace secondary school. They have joined a school where the expectation is: we look smart, work hard and work as a team. Thank you to all the parents and carers for supporting this; you are helping us make the change.
Our results last year show the school on an upward trajectory. Virtually every subject saw a year on year increase and this was particularly noted in Maths and English. Our Year 11s sat the most difficult Maths and English exams to date, without coursework to support and with us as teachers working with exam criteria that was somewhat unknown and untested. Despite the challenge – results improved. Well done to our past Year 11s and to the team that made this happen.
The one challenge is attendance. We are working incredibly hard to improve the school and results however if a child is not in, they are not learning.
Open Day on Saturday 30th September 2017 was a great success. The numbers of visitors walking through our door was also up, year on year. The buzz, excitement and energy of the school was extraordinary. It is worth reflecting that our student numbers have increased in our current Year 7, this is destined to continue, now that we have a year of transformation to look back at. Parents are choosing to make us their first choice.
Finally, our new branding, website, social media presence and events in school and around the community are helping to share the good news that is Castle View.
As educators in school we hold the futures and life chances of the many in our hands and we do take this very seriously. All I ask is that you support us to make these hundreds of potential “futures” a reality – be active in the life of the school and your child’s learning, support what we are trying to achieve and work with us