Headteacher's Blog - Summer 2017
Welcome to this very special edition of the Castle Chronicle.
You may have noticed a change to our school badge and branding. We are at a really exciting stage of our journey towards excellence and I hope that this edition gives you a flavour of the year we have had and our new branding represents the exciting things to come.
As I write, our Year 11s are reaching the end of their exam season – they have worked so hard and it has been a pleasure to watch them grow and develop this year. Our goodbye assembly last week was fun, emotional and full of optimism for their future. For the first time we invited parents to be part of this and I know many of them were excited at being there with us. How exciting that we have our new Year 6s joining us for their transition day and they will get to prepare for September. Our numbers of first and second choices are up compared to last year and the interest shown in us is ever increasing.
Lots of new colleagues have joined us throughout the year and there are more to join us from September – other teaching professionals clearly want to be part of the future with us. Year 5s too are going to have an opportunity to see what Castle View School is about whilst they are thinking about their place at the school in the future. I hope they enjoy the taster days and get a lot from it. This edition will give you some of the highlights of the year. I want to end by celebrating the prospects of some excellent results to come in August 2017. I am looking forward to welcoming new students, new colleagues and the launch of our new branding and website.
I am also happy to maintain our work with Canvey Infants, Canvey Junior and William Reed on attendance; as well as continuing the formal arrangement we have with the King John School, working together to share expertise and provide support. Don’t forget: Castle View School Open Morning is Saturday 30th September 10am – 1pm. Followed by tours of the school, daily, with me and my leadership team from 2nd – 20th October.