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Castle View School

Behaviour for Learning

Behaviour for Learning

Positive behaviour and rewards                                   


Teachers and students at the school have an open culture that promotes all aspects of welfare where pupils feel safe at all times. They work together to produce self-assured, confident learners who have excellent attitudes to learning and are proud of their achievements and their school. This enables students to participate fully in school and the local community and equips them with the behaviours and attitudes to be successful in the next stage of education, training or employment.  No school can achieve its aims without disciplined behaviour, we aim for academic, social and personal discipline to an impeccable standard and ensure that students are appropriately rewarded for their achievements.

Aims of our Behaviour policy

The school’s behaviour policy aims to promote impeccable conduct and high standards of behaviour that supports education and equips students with the behaviours and attitudes to be caring citizens. Encourage staff to recognise and praise good behaviour as well as deal with inappropriate behaviour. Use rewards and sanctions to reinforce positive behaviour and challenge inappropriate behaviour.

We will endeavour to use a restorative approach to behaviour for learning. A restorative school is one which takes a restorative approach to resolving conflict and preventing harm.

Restorative approaches enable those who have been harmed to convey the impact of the harm to those responsible, and for those responsible to acknowledge this impact and take steps to put it right. Restorative approaches refer to a range of methods and strategies which can be used both to prevent relationship-damaging incidents from happening and to resolve them if they do happen.

Roles and responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Governing Body to establish a policy and procedure for Behaviour and Discipline and to monitor the effects of the procedure.

It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher to encourage and foster acceptable standards of behaviour, good personal relationships and a respect for the individual and address promptly any breaches of good conduct and behaviour.                                                                                                           

It is the responsibility of all staff to familiarise themselves and comply, with this policy and procedure in accordance with relevant professional standard.

It is the responsibility of students to develop positive relationships in the school and demonstrate impeccable standards of behaviour, good personal relationships and have respect for all individuals. Follow the schools behaviour expectations and the school values.

It is the responsibility of parents/carers to support the school in encouraging and fostering in their children, acceptable standards of behaviour, good personal relationships and a respect for the individual. Parents and carers will support the schools sanction policy and inform the school of any changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour in school.


Teachers and all staff should always expect the highest standards of behaviour from students in lessons and around the school. Staff should set explicit and high standards and not accept poor behaviour, work or lack of respect. Students will have excellent attitudes to learning; be self-disciplined and show respect for others’.




Students are expected to:

Develop positive relationships in the school and demonstrate impeccable standards of behaviour, good personal relationships and have respect for all individuals.

  1. Be READY for school, lessons and learning

Arrive to school and lessons on time and always wear the full and correct uniform

Be prepared for all lessons and complete work to the highest standard

  1. Show RESPECT for adults, the community and the school environment

Show respect for everyone and do not disrupt the learning of others

Follow the rules of the school and instructions given by staff

  1. Take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions and their learning

Always represent the school with impeccable standards

Our Core Values:

We want students to have integrity in all they do:

Be READY for school, lessons and learning by:

  • Arriving to school, lessons, assemblies on time
  • Wearing the correct and appropriate school uniform (including no coats in the building)
  • Being punctual
  • Having the correct equipment

Students will be present and take ownership


Show RESPECT for adults, the community and the school environment by:

  • Not swearing at or in response to adults or each other
  • Being polite and showing gratitude
  • Supporting the community and caring for the environment

Students will be decisive and value equality


Take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions and their learning by:

  • Being the best version of themselves
  • Making positive contributions
  • Allowing others to learn

Students will take notice

We will challenge you and seek solutions with you

Conduct around the school

Students are expected to:

  1. Students should address staff as ‘Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss’. Staff should insist on this and the use of ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Similarly staff should be polite to students, role modelling the behaviours expected of students.
  2. Students should move around the school quietly, keeping on the left hand side when walking in the corridors and on the stairs. Students should allow adults to pass through doorways first and hold doors open for them as well as for each other.
  3. During break and lunch times, students should act sensibly and ensure that their rubbish is put into the school bins provided.
  4. Not use inappropriate or offensive language.
  5. Mobile phones should not be seen, heard or used in school at any time, this includes headphones.
  6. Uniform should be impeccable at all times. No false nails, eyelashes or chewing gum.

(for clarification on the uniform expectations, please see our essential guide and other uniform reminders)

  1. Outdoor coats must not be worn inside the school buildings.


Excellent work, effort and behaviour are to be recognised and commended by staff whenever possible. The school uses the SIMS system to reward students with achievement points. Achievement points can be awarded by teachers, tutors and associate staff who have contact with students.

There are also a wide range of special prizes for particular achievements within subject areas awarded at our annual presentation events. In Year 11, students work towards being invited to the Prom. Students will also be able to purchase Year Books and Leavers Hoodies at the end of the year. In Years 7 – 10, students are permitted to have rewards in the form of pre-determined trips or activities that students can partake in. As well as the above, students are awarded annual subject prizes for outstanding effort and achievement. Tutor groups compete for a tutor group attendance and behaviour rewards. Student of the Term awards are presented by the Headteacher at the termly celebration assemblies.

The school continually seeks to develop a culture of positive praise and reward, rewards for students should acknowledge the following, but not exclusively limited to:

  1.  Trips, Visits and Opportunities outside the curriculum
  2.   Recognition in year group and whole school assemblies
  3.   Privileges, leadership opportunities and school representation
  4.   Certificates and prizes
  5.   Other appropriate rewards allocated through student or staff suggestions

The principal system of rewards will be through the issuing of Achievement points via Sims. Teaching staff, Directors of Learning and Heads of Year and Student Support Officers will make phone calls, send postcards and letters home. Achievement points will be rewarded at the end of each half term via college and whole school assemblies.

Support for Students

– Use of internally trained staff to support students

– Reporting systems including positive report, time out

– 1:1 referrals for behaviour management

– Round robins/ information gathering

– Meeting with parents

– Personalised Learning Zone, Ocean Suite and identified Safe Spaces

– Peer support/ Buddies/ Positive student role models

– Extra-curricular activities

– External agency support

– Reduced/ Alternative provision

– Named mentors and key workers and restorative work

Procedures for dealing with inappropriate conduct

The school will encourage impeccable conduct by:

  1. Motivating students through the content and methods of delivery of the whole school curriculum and expecting high standards from them.
  2. Following the school procedures.
  3. Informing parents at the earliest opportunity of successes and behaviour issues and involving them in measures to support improvement in behaviour.
  4. Offering the opportunity for individual guidance and counselling to students to develop monitor and review behaviour through internal staffing and external agencies.
  5. Offering appropriate training to meet the needs of teaching and non-teaching staff dealing with behaviour problems.

The school procedures are:

  1. Utilise the zero tolerance approach to poor and disruptive behaviour.
  2. Ensure students have been given opportunities to rectify their behaviour through practice and de-escalatory approaches and restorative practice where appropriate.
  3. Class teacher detentions, Director of learning/ Head of year interventions
  4. Use of departmental relocation, removal, climate walks and on-call
  5. Use of the Ocean Suite room for responding to adverse or extreme levels of behaviour
  6. Use of the Ocean Suite for exclusion worthy behaviour

Fixed term exclusions (We will endeavour to do all possible to avoid a Fixed Term Exclusion)