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Castle View School



Uniform Dress Code 2024-2025

PE Dress Code

Uniform and PE Dress Code


Canvey Island School Uniform Bank


Our branded school uniform is now available to be purchased from PENN UK LTD

Their opening times are:

Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.30 pm
Saturday 9.00 am to 3.00 pm

Penn UK Ltd are located in South Benfleet or you can visit their website:

For full details of all school uniform requirements please see the information below. The majority of these items can be purchased from Penn UK Ltd.


Parents are welcome to purchase non-branded items, such as plain white shirts/blouses, black trousers, shoes, etc, from a suitable supplier or retailer. This would include second-hand and pre-loved suppliers & retailers.


UNIFORM 2024/2025

Our high expectations of all students are reflected in our outstanding standards of dress and appearance. All students are required to wear full school uniform; we expect parents to support our policy.


At Castle View we are always looking for ways to make uniform more accessible and affordable for parents whilst maintaining our outstanding standards of dress and appearance within the school and wider community. To help support our student's families, if you have any preloved uniform items, you are welcome to donate these to the school. All items donated will be used to support our families most in need whilst making a positive impact to our student’s wellbeing. Please feel free to drop off any items to the main school reception during school hours.


  • Black blazer with a Castle View school badge
  • Clip-on school tie
  • Plain white shirt with a stiff collar
  • Castle View grey V neck jumper
  • Plain black ankle or knee length socks or plain black tights
  • Black leather or leather-like formal shoes
  • Straight leg, black, tailored and to the ankle school trousers
  • Castle View green tartan kilt


  • Shirts should be tucked inside the waistband of the trousers or skirt. The top button of the shirt should be done up at all times.
  • Trainers or canvass-type shoes are not permitted.
  • Trousers are to have no distinctive styling or fashioning. Skinny trousers, jeans, leggings, tight trousers and trousers with obvious belts/buttons/buckles are not permitted.
  • No jewellery except for one pair of plain studs, with one stud in each ear lobe, and a wrist watch. Any other facial piercings including eyebrow bars, nose and tongue studs are not permitted. All excess jewellery will be confiscated.
  • Students may wear discreet make up in upper school. Nails must be kept to a short, practical length with no nail varnish. False nails (acrylic or gel) and false eye lashes are not permitted.
  • Extremes of hair styles and colour are not allowed.

No coats, jackets or hooded tops are to be worn inside the school building.

Mobile phones and headphones should not be visible in school.


Canvey Island School Uniform Bank