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Castle View School

Extra Curricular Activities


Personalised 6 Programme

There is a targeted intervention programme across all curriculum areas.  There is a blended learning approached to Personalised 6 whereby materials are available on Microsoft TEAMS or face to face.  Students expected to attend face to face sessions will be contacted by their class teacher with a view to accelerating their learning.  All other students are expected to access the same materials independently online.


Extra Curricular and P6 Programme

Our Extra-Curricular and P6 provision is open to all students who wish to attend.  We aim to foster your child’s love of learning in the subjects of their choice and harness their natural interests through our extra-curricular offer.  We also look to support all our students through their KS4 exam subjects with extra intervention sessions run after school.

Our clubs run before school, during break and lunch as well as after school. We run clubs in all our subject area's and aim to have something for everyone to be able to engage with and enjoy outside of their usual curriculum time.

At Castle View we believe in the value of sportsmanship and keeping fit and healthy and we are lucky enough to boast some fantastic facilities that mean we can offer a wide range of sporting clubs for your child.  If your child wishes to attend they will need to bring their PE kit into school with them for all morning and after school clubs. For break and lunch clubs they will simply require a pair of clean trainers. More information can be found from the PE team.


Below is a full list of all clubs that are available this term.

extra curricular booklet january 2025.pdf

Extra-curricular booklet - January 2025 Parents