Progress Attainment Consultation Evenings
Progress Attainment Consultation Evening – Our Online Booking System!
Castle View School operates an online booking system that you can use to make appointments with your child’s teachers.
You will be able to book a meeting with your child’s teacher until midday on the day of the event. The window to book appointments for your son/daughter will usually open two weeks before the date of the Progress Attainment Consultation Evening.
The online system can be found by typing the following address into your browser:
Please see the School Calendar for the date of the next parents evening,
To use the system you will need:
- Your child’s legal first name and legal surname
- Your child’s date of birth
FAQ- read this before making appointments.
- To login you need to enter the details we have on record for you and your child. If you have recently changed your title or surname, for example, and not informed us, we will be expecting you to login with the details we have on record.
- The child’s date of birth needs to be entered in exactly the right format using four digits for the year of birth eg. 01/12/2004.
- The email address you enter will be used to receive confirmation of your appointment. If the system gives you an error message when you login, it will not be the email address that is the problem.
If you have any issues with the system please email or speak to the SSO of your child’s year group.
To make a success of the procedure we would like to make the following suggestions:
- Try to spread the interviews out as much as possible and give yourself time to move from one interview to the next. We suggest at least a five and preferably a ten minute break between interviews if this can be arranged.
- It is absolutely essential that you arrive for each interview on time. Staff will not be able to exceed the allocated time for the interview with you unless there are exceptional circumstances and you both have blank sessions next on your sheet.
- Please make sure you print your sheet and bring it to the appointment.